I primarily listen buy and listen to cds. Records also get spun occasionally. Streaming can fuck off and only gets used if an album doesn’t get a physical release.
Just out of curiosity. Why do you say not using a mat is an upgrade? I’m using a thin leather mat.
Just out of curiosity. Why not post in r/budgetaudiophile in stead?
I enjoy vinyl for the comfort of the pops and the tactile experience of handling the records. But for simply enjoying music the cd is my go-to. Imo streaming sucks, and I only use it for digital only releases for a lack of an alternative.
I’m adamant that proper cables make a huge difference. To me people not willing to even try seem foolish.
I dont think it will be possible to improve the sound made by such a device
Hardly what most people consider when mentioning b&o. But yes, we have bespoked b&o store where I live. They sound good, but not 800.000kr great. For that sum I’d get a set of r8 arrete and an aavik amp. Even cheaper speakers leave it far behind in terms of sound quality. It’s purely a design feature for people pretending to care about sound quality.