You know, the small things that can save you a lot of money. I’ll start:

You can get “hospital” powercables that are completely shielded for 20 bucks or so.

You can get anti vibration pucks for washing machines instead of spending 10 times that on the same product which is just labeled as “speaker pucks” instead.

  • feathered_indian@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Realise that those “gains” you are getting from your 10k DAC, cables or whatever other component you’ve convinced yourself to upgrade have had little to no affect. “Appears to ……” is an audiophile buzz sentence starter. I’m all for getting the most for your money and to a certain degree there is benefit in some upgrades be they cheap or not. But I recently spoken to an audio dealer who now stocks fuses for power cables at £1000 each!!! A fool and his money…