Do you guys know Sharur ? He is a controversial youtuber that says moondrop variations and some weirds headphones are better because of the FR response, he uses good arguments but I’m not sure if we can trust in his opinion or not.
I bought hifiman 400se ( waiting to arrive)
and he literally says this headphone is sh**
So all Seinheiser headphones, hifiman, and other brands are “bad” ?
While I agree that you shouldn’t necessarily buy something base on someone’s opinion because sound is very subjective. He is clearly poking at all of the pretentious people on here. Making fun of the community as a whole.
I met a homeless guy who thinks he’s POTUS.
A lot of people post dumb crap on youtube just to try to get views. It’s a tactic for losers who can’t make real content and it’s best not to give them those views, or the attention they want.
Do you just depend on other people to tell you what to believe. Whether it’s a YouTuber or this community?
Never like any headphone reviewer on youtube. Headphone reviewers that I like are on chinese bilibili.
Nice site
Why are you watching any of the idiot YouTube affiliate marketing audio scumbags in the first place? Are you having trouble interpreting measurements, hearing headphones for yourself or developing your own opinions on them?
He is so back and forth with his opinions you really shouldn’t listen to what he says. He probably has like 5 or more videos calling Etys and Variations trash too. But It is pretty fair to use FR to judge a product because techs can only do so much to clean up an unenjoyable sound.
Honestly not all headphones are that bad headsets yea but heafphones are very good durable wise but headsets can be a pain and earphones i mean comfort wise for budget headphones under 100 some come close to Sonys but ovbiously not in volume overall comfort though
Meu mano a melhor coisa que vc pode fazer é procurar o canal Mind the Headphone, musicafe, Rodrigo esser, são os maiores canais de audiofilia no Brasil, o Mind the headphone é o segundo maior do mundo se não me engano. Os caras fazem uma análise super competente dos headphones. Esse cara que vc citou é um maluco sem noção que só fala abobrinha pra viralizar os vídeos dele, o cara analisa o fone sem nem ter usado, é igual eu dizer que um carro é melhor que outro só olhando a tabela técnica. O seu headphone he400 é fenomenal, todos os reviewers concordam que é um excelente headphone pelo preço. Esse sharur é um doente kk liga pra ele não
Eu comprei o hifiman se + hiby fc4 so esperando chegar… eu vi no face um hifiman sundara por uns 600 reais a mais mas já tá vendido aí fiquei na dúvida se teria sido mais jogo kkk mas não acha a venda de qq forma
This is exactly why we have a Headphone forum on Reddit…