If you’re anything like me, you’re constantly upgrading your gear and spending several stacks of thousands of dollars…

But what if our picture of endgame doesn’t exist? In other words, we are chasing a certain quality that doesn’t exist?

  • WildBoarsOfCanada@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Depends what level your system is at IMO. The reality is, the returns are diminishing, but also very real and noticeable as you go up. Unless you’re already at some bonkers expensive highly dialed system, there are still noticeably higher levels to this and you will absolutely hear the difference as you move up.

    Obviously it doesn’t all come down to dollar value, but speaking in generalizations - no, a few thousand dollars of gear is not endgame. You may not reach “perfection” but there are still more levels to have your mind blown.

    I’m sure this will get downvoted, but I find Reddit in general to usually have a non-ambitious perspective as in there is rampant defending of low $ things across all hobby subreddits, and a general disdain towards people who spend more $ on things that may have very small impact.

    • imsoggy@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      “Reddit…non ambitious perspective…”

      You one of those that think high-end amps or dacs or power supplies make a damn bit of difference? Get him boys! /s

    • IcyPresentation4379@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I think about this a lot, and in my opinion it’s less about a non-ambitious perspective" and more that the mechanism of reddit skews closer to social media than discussion forums like Audiogon and the Hoffman boards. There’s a stronger impulse to seek validation around here than there is on other discussion boards, so you get a lot of people who want to look like experts who justify their gear using whatever methods they can instead of just enjoying what they have. Combined with the generally younger demographics reddit attracts, and this is the result. A bunch of people who hold strong opinions based on what will get them the most validation, not on anything that they actually agree with or enjoy. Then someone comes along with a budget they can’t compete with who just shares what they have, and people get downvoted or told that they bought snakeoil products and should just get a Topping stack and some Genelecs instead.

    • Sel2g5@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Remember your first pair of good speakers? You’re mind was blown right? 1000 usd can he endgame to certain people. Hell 1000 is better than 99.5% of systems out there.

      I have more or less a 10k 2 channel system. Most purchased second hand at a much reduced cost. At this point to have something better would be thousands more. It’s not worth it to me. I like good sound and flavors. Some magnepan lrs would be amazing to try them out. Are they a downgrade to my va beethoven baby grands? Probably, but I’d like to try them.

      • dishinpies@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        This is about where I feel I’m at with my current setup. I got everything at a sharply reduced cost, so to meaningfully upgrade anything would meaning spending at least 50% (or more) of the cost of the entire system. That’s basically endgame, in my eyes.