I’ve lived in my apartment for 2 years and have had no issues with any complaints until a new downstairs neighbor moved in a month ago who claims they can here bass coming from my apartment. I’m not throwing any crazy parties or have it at a high volume. I have a speaker on a table that’s sitting on hardwood that I use to listen to music on throughout the day.
I was wondering if anyone knew how I could reduce the sound from it traveling through the floor? Would a rug underneath the table be helpful? What would you recommend?
Not true, there’s plenty you can do to both the room AND the speaker to reshape the sound and solve issues like these. How else are soundproof recording rooms made if there’s nothing you can do to a room?
By making airtight rooms within rooms on top of floating platforms. That is not practical for OP.
99.99% of room treatment in this sub is about acoustic treatment,not soundproofing.