I’ve lived in my apartment for 2 years and have had no issues with any complaints until a new downstairs neighbor moved in a month ago who claims they can here bass coming from my apartment. I’m not throwing any crazy parties or have it at a high volume. I have a speaker on a table that’s sitting on hardwood that I use to listen to music on throughout the day.

I was wondering if anyone knew how I could reduce the sound from it traveling through the floor? Would a rug underneath the table be helpful? What would you recommend?

  • sprucedotterel@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Bunch of good responses here already. I concur with dampening the speaker’s contact against your floor.

    Also try those plugs you get to seal speakers ports. It looks like a foam / rubber disk with a stick attached. If you have ported speakers, it’s likely you’re getting some runaway bass in a very narrow frequency band which is the main culprit here. In a small-medium sized room you won’t lose a lot of bass by sealing your ports, in fact your response might improve as acoustically suspended cabinets perform better in smaller room sizes.

    Source: I design and build speaker enclosures (but it’s strictly a hobby).