I noticed a lot of people here remove the “tent” (I don’t know how to call it, sorry for my bad England(: ) from their speakers when they have it and a lot of the speakers made today don’t have it from the start; do you prefer to keep it on (and maybe even search for speakers that have it) or to take it off (and in general speakers that don’t have it)?

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  • theimperious1@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I have a JBL 550P hooked up to a partybox 1000. I wanted the cover off at first but tbh was worried I’d break it so I didn’t. I still intend to take it off some day lol. Also would like to turn the PB on its side so I can see that sexy 12 inch woofer go WOOF. While it being downward facing is probably functionally nice for some reason (I assume?), visually it’s a shame lol