i completely get preferring analog media, so if it’s about the sound characteristics (that ‘warmth’), having physical media, etc fair enough. but if the goal of an audiophile is to get the highest quality reproduction of a recording wouldn’t CDs or FLACs be your best bet?

maybe this only really applies for newer music, perhaps digital releases for music recorded analogue are just digitized vinyl or reel to reel recordings but for music produced in DAWs the highest quality version available for that release would surely be either a CD or a digital FLAC release

  • the_blue_wizard@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I frequently make this same comment when ever the discussion of Vinyl vs other formats comes up.

    We must make a distinction between the Contents and the Container. Vinyl, CD, Streaming, … are the container. The Contents of that Container can either be good, bad, or in-between.

    Modern CD’s tend to be more compressed stealing the massive dynamic range capabilities of the CD itself. Vinyl, though there is new vinyl, tends to be Mastered differently. And only the Container, not the Contents, limits the Dynamic range.

    CD’s could sound very good … if they only would.

    My position is that there is no one right format. They all have a place in a Music Collection. A wise person would have them all - CD, Vinyl, and Streaming, and enjoy each for what it brings to the table.

    Why do I still listen to Vinyl - well - because I have a significant collection of vinyl which I bought back when vinyl was the only option. Should I throw all that away simply because someone believes some other format is better? I don’t think so.

    And, just so we are clear, I also have a collection of CDs. They are fine, but I actually find some Vinyl sounding better than CDs.

    Examples -

    Supper Session - I have an old beat up vinyl that, if you can listen past the surface noise, sounds good; excellent dynamics. I have a modern CD of the same album that sounds lifeless …due to… it having been re-mastered.

    Michael Jackson - One of Michael Jackson’s most popular albums has been remixed, remastered, and re-released several times over the years. The stunning dynamics of the Original Album have been compressed more and more with each release, making the latest release almost unlistenable when compare to the Original.

    Clear examples of how the quality of the Contents far outweighs the Container.

    There is no need to choose one format over the another. Choose the formats that please you and serve you, and life will be good.