I, I’m French and we have a made up word « idiophile » a mix of idiot and audiophile on a huge forum to call people who believe in non science related audiophile bulls*** like changing power supply or cables to have a better sound or buying 300K€ audio streamers etc

Is there a similar word in English ? “Audiofool “ I’m guessing. Is there a sub Reddit dedicated to this particular subject ?

Thanks 😆

  • pukesonyourshoes@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Currently sitting here browsing this thread whilst recording a symphony orchestra through a pair of microphones that cost $7k, on cables that cost maybe $150 each, ie. relatively not very much. It sounds incredible. Way better than the $3.5k mics sitting next to me i chose not to use. By your logic i should be using a $100 pair of behringers because the frequency response is the same.

    People who come here to laugh at others because Amir says all DACs sound the same can bite me. You’re ignorant and are embarrassing yourselves. There are differences, large ones if you have good ears and know what top audio gear is capable of - and to know that, you need to have heard some. Ffs go to a good hifi store and educate yourselves. Over some top monitors and amps a $2k DAC will sound great, but a $40k DAC is revelatory. Try a pair of Audeze headphones and then tell me your Beats sounds just as good. Try a cheap DAC, then a $2k one, with headphones like the Audeze that are capable of reproducing everything that’s coming out of the DAC. Get back to me. In the meantime, stop trying to make yourselves feel better about your ignorance by ridiculing things you haven’t experienced. It’s cringingly awful and I’m embarrassed for you.

    Note: I have pretty expensive full range monitors at home with $12k of room treatment, but rest assured I’ll never put the cables on stands. I can’t hear that and i doubt anyone can. Some things really are bullshit.