Even the best quality wireless sets will die after the battery inevitably loses ability to hold a reasonable amount of charge.
Even the best quality wireless sets will die after the battery inevitably loses ability to hold a reasonable amount of charge.
Link to your headphone stand?
Clear and HD600: At my desk
Variations: At my desk, when I don’t want headphone hair at work the next day
WF XM5: When I go out
Aria: Backup for XM5s
Try it and see what happens. If you don’t hear the difference, that’s all that matters.
There’s nothing to download to fix this. You can buy an amp, turn up the volume, or return for a headphone that’s easier to drive. I’m not sure if turning up the volume will cause any negative effects like distortion, so I hope someone more knowledgeable can come enlighten us. But to my knowledgeable turning up the volume just means providing more power, which is exactly what you need to make your headphones louder.
It’s a subjective hobby with a lot of people trying to justify/cope about their purchase. You can talk about some of the widely loved headphones like the HD600 and there will be comments about how it’s worse than this or that.
Slim glasses or IEMs.