Do not, DO NOT, DO NOT spend more money on dac amps than your headphones. I’ve seen people tried to talk newbie up to buy new dac or amp for something like dt770, hd560 etc because the newbie said they didn’t like the sound. Neither dac nor amp will “fix” the headphones that you do not like.
I once tried to buy replacement pads for my sundara. It was $50 on the hifiman website, with $38 shipping to HK…. Why the hell is a Chinese product cost $38 to ship to HK??? And why does a pair of earpads costs $50???
When I contacted the official hifiman store on taobao to see if they sell replacement (they don’t list replacement parts), what do I know, it costs less than half of the price on the official hifiman store and the shipping was around 35HKD PER KG
I’m convinced that the hifiman website is just there to suck money out of their western customers