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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023


  • Read about the Nyquist Theorum. Basically it comes down to sample rate (which is essentially the same thing as resolution). As long as the same rate is high enough to reproduce the highest frequency you can hear, there is no noticeable benefit to a higher sample rate. So 20khz being the highest freq humans can hear, 40khz sample rate (CD is 44.1khz) is all you need. Audio doesn’t have the same storage and processing challenges that hi-res video does. So we were able to jump right to full quality audio reproduction as opposed to waiting for technology to catch up like with video.

    It gets a bit more complicated with SACD format because they use a different type of audio encoding (DSD). So its not directly comparable with CD that uses PCM encoding. But the theory behind digital audio is the same.

    It should be noted that DSD is a Sony creation and as such it is heavily marketed as being “better” than other alternatives. That does not mean that it is.