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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • I got one for fixing some tonearm wires I pulled of a board while doing some other work so I could re-sell the table. Piece of cake. Then, about 6 months ago I thought it would be neat to buy some Mogami cable and nice RCA connectors and make my own interconnects. It did not go well. The leads and solder cups were so small and I think I ended up oxidizing my solder tip and that was the end of that. Returned the unused length of cable and connectors and just bought pre-made instead.

  • I’ve pretty much churned through my local library’s collection. My town chose to have their own library instead of joining with the county library system, so they’re much smaller. As a resident it also prevents me from becoming a member of the county library branch that’s 5 min away from me. Bums me out as I know they’ve curated a way bigger collection, aquire new titles regularly, and even have blu-rays.