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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023

  • I just got mine about a week ago, just passing 50hrs. At the 30-40hr mark they started to amaze me with the clarity increase to the point I couldn’t believe it.

    They are wharfedale-warm, highs are more ‘lush’ than ‘crisp’ and I like them. Mids are more in-your-face than the 2.5-ways I had before… very detailed no sibilance, maybe I need some adjusting to the sound.

    Bass is good, not the best but definitely good. Can become boomy if close to corners, I currently have one speaker between a closet and the corner… plenty of problems happen there… I’m still thinking of a solution.

    They will be very happy in a 19sqm room, but furniture and distance from corners are important.

    They perform Very well at low volumes, I like that a lot about them… bass still very present too

  • I personally prefer them off as I’m a ‘former’ basshead and I associate speakers to looking at a 500hp engine with the hood popped up.

    If I have guests, or a wife and kids… and pets and stuff… I have no problem with the grilles being on. Actually I think I’d prefer it that way in that scenario.

    …but when I’m alone and nobody cares, when there’s no pet-danger or kid-danger or anything else — I’ll definitley leave them off thank you 😁