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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023

  • I agree with that, and respect anyone that takes the time to try and explain things so others can make better purchases or choices. But it seems that helping others is not what’s really going on. Usually just verbal attacks…but I did say usually and not always. Most people spending that kind of bread on products have been around and already heard all the warnings and info to back it up. It’s their choice. Me personally I don’t think I would ever spend $200k on speakers… even if I had unlimited money…but I’ve heard some $50k speakers at a show that seemed pretty remarkable. Definitely wouldn’t spend much of anything on a power cable unless I liked how it looked.

    I’m all for exposing lies and ripoffs, I just don’t get why people that attack other regular people in forum chats think they are any better. I say regular people vs the one’s that are in the chats knowingly trying to peddle snake oil products. Some people just don’t know any better, calling them an idiot isn’t really helpful. And I’m not insinuating that you do these things. Just my dumb opinion though. God Bless.

  • And another thing, that $90 “bit perfect” Wiim transport only doesn’t sound just as good as a $4k streamer. I wish it did but it don’t. “But it’s just a digital signal” Yeah…a worse one 😂 I’m not knocking the WiiM, it’s a great product. I have one and I’ve tried about 15 other models/brands. Majority of budget models sound exactly the same…but there is obvious differences as you move up the ladder. You could just say it’s all in my head…and I’d say try some other transports in a blind test.

    Audiofools…jealous angry bunch of tucks. How do you know if those cable lifters didn’t make a difference?? Did you try them??I’d love to see some pics of someone using cable lifters with their stock cables that came with their $300 amp😂 Then they would say how much open the sound was…how the soundstage went deeper. I will say that the audio industry has some of the craziest most expensive stuff available. So much BS involved. I’m absolutely amazed at prices of things like cables, conditioners,etc,etc. kinda blows my mind

  • I never understood all the audiofool arguments and debates. If someone spent $200k on speakers or $10k on a power cable why should others give a poop? They obviously have the money and it’s theirs to spend on whatever they want. I don’t know if it’s jealousy or just anger that certain people have to spew off about how someone else overpaid or that their $500 amp sounds just as good.

    Other things like cables are always a big throwdown as well. If someone says they hear a difference then who am I or you to disagree? We’ve seen the data on a few cables and they show it doesn’t make a difference. But honestly if you haven’t heard the cables being talked about in a caramelly way with their gear and room you probably shouldn’t have an opinion. If you don’t agree with it just look at it as entertainment. Sure you could type in, “You know cables don’t make a difference right?”…and just leave it at that.

    Don’t be a pooper. If you are all about the science and measurements try to offer up solid advice (that you know from personal experience, not 2nd hand regurgitation) and point people in the direction to where they can read and learn more about the facts and psychosomatic’s involved in this hobby.

    Not much more I hate in this hobby when I see a noobie talk about their gear or money spent or whatever and a bunch of people gang up and poop all over him. Where’s the love people? Help a newbie out.

    I’m just going on a rant here but a lot of people are just jackbutts. And the majority of it is people with less than $5k worth of equipment saying their system is just as good. It’s not. Check yourself…stay in your lane. If you are going to talk like an objectivist know the data and facts to back it up, if you’re not into subjective BS then stay out of the threads where that stuff goes down. Just my inebriated opinion…I’m on substances folks. God Bless and love your fellow man/woman.