Every few months I become dissatisfied and reposition my speakers. Separation, toe in, distance to walls, etc. And, lo, the heavens open up and I can hear angels singing. After a few months i do it again with similar epiphanic results. Finally, a year goes by, and I’m back to the same position I started from—and the cycle continues.

  • bigbura@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Is this just human nature, the internal, never-ending, push to ‘improve’ or ‘change’ things? As in, if we never had this trait would we have advanced as a species?

    I’m reminded of how some apes can be taught to use tools or concepts but they just sit on this knowledge, with zero drive to advance or make other use of this knowledge. So without outside influence or pressures they are ‘stuck in the mud’ so to speak.

    I’ve found it helpful to acknowledge this drive, or trait, and to ask myself why am I desiring a change in audio system. To accept good and not chase ‘perfection’ as perfection doesn’t exist in practical terms. Perfection is nothing but frustration in the eyes of our trait to always be improving so I leave it alone and accept good.