My husband is a “speaker snob” - while I can hardly tell the difference between an IKEA speaker and his Studio Lab speakers.

I frequent thrift stores - and this is might sound bad - but the ones run by “older” volunteers typically don’t mark up higher end goods (I’ve literally scored brand name clothing that should be $200+ per item for a few bucks.

Anyway. I see speakers all the time. I came across Polk Audio speakers for $20, did some research, it appeared they were a stop brand - but when I brought them home to surprise him, it was basically a “thanks but no thanks”.

I asked him if there’s a certain brand I should be on the lookout for, and he said speakers are a complex world 😑

I’d still love to surprise him with an exciting find - we can’t afford new, high quality speakers, so I’m hoping to score a win! What things should I keep in mind while out and about? Are there certain brands that are a score either way?


  • bigbobo33@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    All of these suggestions are great. I always say for most audio gear, at least speakers and turntables, the heavier and more solid, the better. If it’s plastic and light, 9999/10000, it’s crap.

    That said, shooting a picture over real quick is the best idea honestly. My friends do that all the time as I’m known as the audio guy and I really don’t mind it and if anything kind of enjoy it. Though I’m less fussy than most haha.