I’ve been lucky enough to get to listen to quite a few different speakers and brands lately at a couple of local hi-fi shops, and I have a question for all of the audiophiles in this subreddit. What speaker has the best soundstage that you have ever heard?

  • rhythmtank@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I agree with the KEF recommendations and I have the classic Reference 105’s which have pretty impressive imaging, however, my Canton Ergo Passiv set is absolutely incredible for imaging. BUT….The most impressive soundstage and depth of field I’ve owned we’re the Polk SDA series 1’s, 2’s, and CRA’s. They have a connecting cable between the two speakers that eliminates cross-phasing and creates a 3D image and extremely wide and deep soundstage. The criticism is that they don’t produce the most critically accurate frequency graphs but they are REALLY fun to listen to. I wish I had never sold them.