So, I’ve had the Beyerdynamic DT177x’s since earlier this year and I have to say, I think these headphones are so underrated. They are bassy neutral headphones, but seriously sound good for every genre and can be ran off anything. I’ve tested it with smaller devices like the 3ds and psvita, and I’ve never heard such good sound come out of those devices. I think they sound best with rap, or hype music (A lot of songs they make sound hype.) These are very energetic headphones. However they are good with any genre. They have such a wide soundstage. The soundstage wraps around your head, and has decent width to it. I believe they have a U-shaped sound signature, really focusing on bass and midrange. They don’t sound like they have that much treble to my ears. I would say the mid range takes half a step back from something like a 6xx while having tons of bass and a pleasing high end. I have 6xx’s, hd660s1 and recently got the Hifiman Ananda Stealths. If you guys have any questions I’m happy to answer.
Can anyone compare it to the emu teak?