I was looking at these because I like the looks and the price was quite cheap as well as good reviews. I was trying to get something that is safe in terms of ER. I was thinking that maybe wireless would be safer in terms of ER which by themselves they are but upon further research I found that that would mean putting my phone in my pocket where my pirvate parts are at risk. I was thinking outting an insulator say a rubber wallet in between my skin and phone but I am not sure it will do anything so it might be better to just get a wireless and keep my phone in my bag, but then there isn’t much research into bluetooth health and safety risks so what they are saying is fine now might change in 5 years time and say that oops, sorry guys we discovered that bluetooth devices emitted an unusual frequency that will give you brain cancer in 20 years time. Any help?

    11 months ago

    I was only asking because I know a person who’s husband got brain cancer and she is 90% sure it was from the air pods. You never know what else they are putting in them.