I’m wondering how do you guys organize digital music library (either on laptop or DAC) for best experience?

I personally use DAC and what I do is to download whole albums and put it in. Benefit: very tidy, looks nice. Drawbacks: you have to listen to the whole album (some people prefer to do this).

Streaming: Benefit: the playlists are nice. Drawback: on DAC it is slow, and you don’t own the music, and the library can get messy when you add too many stuff.

I wonder which method do you prefer? Or does it depend on occations?

  • nmitchell86@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Here is what I do…

    Folder per Artist, Sub Folder per Album (sub folder naming: % Year % - % Album Title %). Music file naming: % Artist % - % Album % - % Track Number % - % Track Title %. Track numbers always have leading zero, no fraction numbering that Apple does. Always embed album art highest quality. Meta data stripped of info and re-labeled per the file name with addition of genre and year.