I recently drastically upgraded my equipment, and I am noticing that with some recordings, vinyl mostly, and mostly music from 60’s and 70’s, that without any EQ, it sounds like I am listening to a recording, if that makes sense, like I can hear the room where the music was recorded, a certain quality of reverb or something, I am not sure how to describe it really.

Whereas, if I EQ slightly (mostly reducing bass - room correction is my guess), the music sounds like it is being performed in the room with me, tighter bass, more clarity in the mids and highs.

Do you all think this a matter of accuracy (no EQ), v. subjective preference? I am experiencing that phenomenon of some music sounding “worse” with an upgrade in equipment?

Or could it be that the EQ allows me to hear the music more accurately by correcting the effects of the room?

What do you all think?

Monitor Audio Silver 500 6G
Rotel RA-930BX
Project X1
Sumiko Blue Point no.3
iZen phono stage

Speakers sit about 1.5 ft from side and back wall, rear ports plugged

Room is about 1600 cubic ft. rectangle, no room treatment.


  • Schourend@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I kinda had the same, with low-end gear you can’t hear any difference between good and bad recorded music. It’s all the same.

    When upgraded to hi-end gear, I started to notice that some songs I liked are just badly recorded and don’t sound good anymore (you can now hear wat is wrong)

    I did find that different cables can change subtle things for the better or worse.

    I have a MiniDSP, to fully understand it you really need go in depth otherwise it’s not going to sound good. I use it only to tame my bass and some lite EQ’ing. You don’t want to chance to much with room correction. Better first add some acoustic treatment if possible.