First new set of main speakers in 23 years. Opinions on break in for speakers? Is it real, and if so how long do you recommend? Do you have any specific methods?

  • iehcjdieicc@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Break in or run in for speakers is real. I have proved it.

    Had a pair of Martin Logan electrostatic hybrid speakers on loan from shop for several months while the ones I ordered came in. I wanted a particular wood finish.

    The dealer delivered the speakers brand new, unopened from factory. I first played a select track so we could hear how the old speakers sounded. Then set up the new ones in the same location and then played the same track.

    Immediately we could both hear that the bass was not as full before and the mids sounded rough. After about 10 mins the roughness vanished. ML recommend a run in time of around 50 hours or so. To speed up the process I left them running all day for a few days.

    Yeah, I know I’m going to get people say they do not believe me and demand measurements to prove it. Well bite me. I don’t care. I witnessed it, it was real. The dealer also heard it.

    • truxxor@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      I had the same scenario play out, two of the same model speaker, one used and one pair brand new. Played the same track on both, in the same position in my listening room.

      I could not hear a difference, nor could my dealer.

      This is proof that burn-in isn’t real.