I found both a couple of Indiana Line Tesi 204 for about $70 and a Pioneer Sa-5500 ii for $90 in a thrift store in Northern Italy.
I’m not sure of their condition yet, but do you think it will be a good combo? I’m an absolute beginner at vintage audio. I’m not even sure those speaker can be properly considered vintage. Alternatively, I found in another store a couple of Akai akai SR-SA3 at about $70. There’s not much on the web about them. They seem very similar to the more known akai SR-SF3. whatdio you think?
They seem to want some decent wattage
At only 15 watts per channel it might be underpowered for those speakers but you never can tell. I’d personally stay away from the Akai, those Indiana speakers look to be a much nicer speaker. Prices seem nice. Do you have a TT or other components to plug into the amp?