Title is worded a little weird, I’m not necessarily asking if there are any styles that sound better on vinyl compared to digital, are there any genres that have sounds / instruments that are harder to replicate on vinyl vs another genre?
Title is worded a little weird, I’m not necessarily asking if there are any styles that sound better on vinyl compared to digital, are there any genres that have sounds / instruments that are harder to replicate on vinyl vs another genre?
No. Vinyl is something you listen to because you value things unrelated to the sound quality, like it being tangible, picking a record from your collection, putting it on, listening to the entire album and so on.
I get that part, the post was just a curious I had, nothin to do with the other aspects of vinyl.
I mean that’s some reasons… sound could be other reasons
If you like fairly low quality, sure. I don’t get why anyone would ever prefer vinyl for the sound. Except for maybe nostalgia.
It’s not nostalgic for me. Just the way some music sounds best on my system. I don’t have any money invested into a ‘digital chain’ or anything like that but still plug my computer into my amp sometimes