Title is worded a little weird, I’m not necessarily asking if there are any styles that sound better on vinyl compared to digital, are there any genres that have sounds / instruments that are harder to replicate on vinyl vs another genre?
Title is worded a little weird, I’m not necessarily asking if there are any styles that sound better on vinyl compared to digital, are there any genres that have sounds / instruments that are harder to replicate on vinyl vs another genre?
A vinyl record will struggle with loud low frequency sound due to the groove width required. I would expect some issues with whatever the genre of music is that is played at the love parade (google suggests electronic dance music), large pipe organs, etc…
It’s interesting because the 80s-90s-early 2000s was filled with tons of DJs playing electronic dance music on vinyl
A lot of that wasn’t true low bass. We would have true subwoofers crossed at 80hz and mid-bass cabs going to from 80 to ~200 and those midd bass cabinets were doing most of the work.
They’re pretty much fine if they’re cut right. Some of the best low bass I’ve heard was on vinyl, in part because it really lets the deck and feedback go wild 🙃