Not really a fair comparison exactly though a demonstration of the importance of the source quality. I have a Marantz40n with Harbeth compact 7s. Listening to Tidal is wonderful. I recently purchased an old Denon P1000 turntable, mostly for my wife that always complains about not being able to just “put on a record or cd”. I just hooked it all up and was really shocked at how bad the record sounded. The Denon is old but I gather it was a decent turntable in it’s time. Switching between Tidal and the phono input, it was just sooo different. TIdal sounded very full and rich although perhaps a little muddied and lacking in space. THe Vinyl sounded very thin almost as if the speakers were out of phase (which of course they are not). The vinyl did sound more spacious though. What would be the primary way of improving the turntable. I guess it’s all in the cartridge? I understand the phono stage on the Marantz isn’t that bad, though the phono output was considerably quieter than the Tidal streaming. Any thoughts on this?