Hello! I just wanted to share my excitement as I recently upgraded from Airpods to my first pair of real headphones. I have been a music junky since middle school and the last year have been looking into investing in a good pair of headphones to enrich the quality of my listening experience. Since I have only used Apple earbuds and first-gen Airpods, my standards are pretty low. On a black Friday sale I purchased a pair of Bose Quiet Comfort. (Idc if these aren’t considered “good”. They were in my budget, are my first real headphones, and I’ve been happy with them so far.)

Like I said, compared to some of the setups I’ve seen here, what I have is pretty basic. But coming from only ear buds, I’ve gotten goosebumps listening to songs I’ve known for years. Listening to Peace by Taylor Swift, I never noticed the crickets in the beginning. I could have cried the first time I heard them.

I think this will definitely become a hobby of mine, I am excited to start looking more into messing with EQ levels to further the experience. Once I have a little more money, I would love to invest in some of the setups I’ve seen posted here :). While an expensive interest, I am excited to start cultivating a collection.

Just wanted to share the perspective of a beginner, we all start somewhere!