Full bodied, lush, and intoxicating mids, with mid-bass and smooth treble. I generally like the sparky twang in the treble (like with Aful P8), but am totally digging this soundscape as well. Everything just flows smoothly, lushly. A sense of Grandeur lingers.

The mids are quite something. I guess it must be a common feature with the more expensive IEMs (I have the P8s and the Senns HD660s2), but since I don’t own those higher-end 1000$ stuff, I have been impressed, swept along by this ear-gasm feeling. Guess it’s a combo of how the mid-bass effects the mids perhaps, I dunno, but quite like it. Maybe this is what is meant by ‘musical’ that I see in reviews of certain iems here and elsewhere.

A nice cable too, that the company seems to sell otherwise for 30-40$, going by their site. The foam tips accentuate the bass of course, but eventually I settled on Dunu S&S.

Fan2 doesn’t rumble - so sub-bass lovers might have to watch out - - but it has a nice thick fast bass that’s pleasing. It isn’t sparky - treble-heads watch out- but it isn’t dull, treble is present and shining without the twangy attack. Tone and timbre are excellent.

And so is the price :-) 50% off, which got it down to 140$, and I can’t think of anything in that price bracket that can glitter like this. Now the discount officially is at 41% . https://penonaudio.com/penon-fan-2.html is the official site where I got it from. Free shipping.