I’ve been having a problem with the bass on my la scalas: it can sound uncontrolled on some songs (Mitski’s “My Love All Mine” is one) and just overwhelms the room. Bought some 4-inch acoustic panels and was wondering where to place them. One of the challenges is that to get the panels behind the la scalas, i’ll have to pull the speakers away from the wall at least 6 inches on both sides, which isn’t ideal.

I also have some thin acoustic panels on the ceiling, which don’t seem to be doing much.

Right now I have the panels propped up in various places, just to get an idea if they made a difference. They did. I’d say a 40% percent reduction in the bass problem and an overall richer, fuller sound. Which is great. But I’d like to get the bass thing under control 100%. Maybe mounting them correctly can get me there.

Might look at the triangular bass traps too, but if I can get away with just these four, that’d be great. Thanks.



facing couch
