I know mine’s frowned upon but for me its the Sony XM3/4. They fit perfectly on my head and dont feel to heavy, apart from the sound I think its a great headphone. Anyways what’s your most comfortable headphone you have ever worn?
I know mine’s frowned upon but for me its the Sony XM3/4. They fit perfectly on my head and dont feel to heavy, apart from the sound I think its a great headphone. Anyways what’s your most comfortable headphone you have ever worn?
Probably my HD599.
I second this
There can be only one.
I also have the XM4s, and I like them, but I wish the earcups were slightly bigger.
I’ve never tried the 599s but my 595s were incredibly comfortable.
man…my ears are too big for this as it hits that angled plastic piece inside the cups of my hd 599se
Was going to say the same. Have 599s and they are extremely comfortable and some of the most comfortable headphones I’ve ever used.
The same here.
I haven’t had many pairs of headphones but my pair of HD599 are the only pair I’ve ever genuinely forgot I was wearing.