I bought the amp a little over a year ago. Sounded gorgeous for about 2 months when the right channel cut out and I brought it back. 4 months go by I finally get it back. The store I bought it from outsourced it to a 3rd party so the alleged technician was never there/available to talk with. But the store owner said that the tech put it under a 3 day continuous stress test and had no issues. Charged me nothing. Ok fair enough. I plug it in. Immediately same problem. I’ve been living with it intermittently cutting out since then and just letting it decide when my listening sessions were done so I could save for a table. Seeing as I was assured the issue was not amp related I saved up and bought a new table. Still happening. Said while I’m at it I have the money for shits n giggles buy new speakers and wire. Made it through a night and tonight it cut again. So it’s clearly the amp. Does anyone have any insight as to what might cause this and how to go about fixing it? Not sure what other information I need to provide.