If you’re anything like me, you’re constantly upgrading your gear and spending several stacks of thousands of dollars…

But what if our picture of endgame doesn’t exist? In other words, we are chasing a certain quality that doesn’t exist?

  • VintageTannoy@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think knowing what it is you are chasing helps. And that in itself is a challenge. Everyone is chasing for the end game system but that end game is going to be different for each one of us. There is the curiosity factor and the FOMO factor as well. My curiosity and my OCD led me to try and audition 8 different high end speakers, 7 different silver plate receivers from 70s and 3 different tube amps with different tube sizes and close to 20 different power tubes. And I’m talking all vintage… between 50s to 70s. After all the permutation combinations I have to say I found what I like. The process helped me fine tune exactly what I was looking for. There were setups i initially loved but realized that I would want to live with that long term. Systems that i initially didn’t like but realized that it’s the sound that I could live with long term. So now I have found my peace. Are there other systems out there that sound better than mine. Absolutely. Do I need that system? No. I have found what I’m looking for. I also find solace in knowing what all the different systems I tried sounded like and I have experienced the strengths and weaknesses of each setup so I know exactly what I’m missing out on and what I’m not. Some speakers had killer vocals, some killer bass and I had to fine tune my preference and figure out which one would I keep if I could only keep one. That process helped me navigate through various gear and settle on what I have now. Hope everyone can find their peace, it’s out there. And if someone loves chasing new or different equipment all the time then that’s their game. Either way it’s a fun hobby. Some listen to their music, some listen to their gear. Whatever works.