I am curious if I would benefit from a budget amp like the Monolith Liquid Spark for general mixing use. I generally have no complaints about the volume level I’m achieving with this combination, but I have noticed that I’m having a difficult time perceiving subtle dynamic characteristics like compression, especially in the airy high frequency areas that is complicating the translation of my mixes. I’ve never used a headphone amp, so in one sense I don’t know what I’m missing, but I acknowledge that this may simply be a limitation of my listening skill and headphones in general. What do you think?

  • SDLiu4@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Short answer - yes

    Long answer - Yes. I’m not an expert on this matter or well experienced with gear but providing the headphone with more / ample power showcases more of the headphone’s capabilities. Example, more bass or pronounced bass, airiness, detail and clarity