I had lusted after one ever since I could remember. I used to patiently wait for some neighbors to come home so that I could listen to my cassette in its full glory on their HiFi or on a good day have them play a record. Dad only had a mono boom box at that time. We were lower middle class.

Last year of college, my brother and I hit upon the idea of applying for a TV loan and then cashing the check to buy separates. The loan took its sweet ass time, it was a small credit union, and by that time the rack we were looking at was sold. I was shattered. I still miss the Teac equalizer with the green spectrum analyzer.

Then I found a beautiful Kenwood KA405 Amp, a Sansui D90 cassette deck and Pioneer CS405 speakers.

I was king !

Later I added a beautiful dark grey Akai analog tuner and a Sansui SR333 turntable. :)

And in 1991 added a small Crown CD player that would read old and scratched disks very well but brand new ones would play with a lot of terrible crackling. No one including the technician could figure out why.

  • GeneraalSorryPardon@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    My father worked as a civil servant in the seventies; he and his colleagues had to track down radio pirates causing interference to emergency services. If those pirates were caught, their transmitting equipment and everything connected to it was confiscated. Dad used to have to destroy that equipment himself, smashing it with an axe, and taking photos of it as evidence for the official report. Twice my father stole something for himself, a transmitter he found very interesting and for me a Kenwood KA-3600 receiver with an extra light bulb added to the front for when the radio pirate was live on air. I was 12 at the time when I got that Kenny, now I am over 50. That same Kenwood is still going strong here in front of me under the computer screen on which I am typing this. First it was just an old receiver, then it became vintage, and now it’s a piece of working antiques. Thanks to that Kenwood, I became a bit of a fanboy, which is why there is now a very nice seventies Kenwood amplifier in the living room and not another brand.