I’d like to set up three separate systems going into a switch box that all go out to the same pairs of speakers. I already have a two in/one out box and I’m having trouble finding something that offers just one more input. The idea is that I would have three separate systems built around my 9090 DB, STA-2100 and SX-1010. The speakers at the other end are stacked Advents.
This is a one in/four out. You can have one input and it will output to four groups of speakers. What I’m looking for is basically the opposite - three inputs minimum output to one set of speakers. This is so I can switch back and forth between systems using the same set of stacked Advents.
Ah. I misread. That’s a tall order. 2 in 4 out is quite common. Anything more for inputs is extremely rare. In fact I’ve never heard of one.