Many people use headphones like sneharizer and beyerdynamic for 15 or 20 years. But how long do hifiman headphones last? Can you tell me your experiences?

  • MostPatientGamer@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If it’s meant to break, it will break at some point. Going by the anectdotal accounts of folks who had Hifimans break, they will likely break early or within the first year or so. If it doesn’t break early, it will probably last quite a few years if cared for reasonably well, just like other analog devices.

    I’ve had my Edition XS for 7ish months now. They aren’t my most used pair, but I did drop them once from desk level and they were fine. I can’t imagine a cable tug would do much unless they are already compromised in one way or another.